vendredi 28 septembre 2012

Vices and Strengths... What are yours?

One of my facebook friends just posted this....

"If you were to choose your worst vice and your best strength, what would they be?"

I was going to respond... easy... but, then... not so easy! DISCUSS!

Vices... there are so many that if I listed them all, you would think I was either crazy or had the lowest self esteem on the planet! My biggest one??... I'd have to say that concerning food, it'd have to be peanut butter (sweets in general... carbs in general... but I always come back to peanut butter). Concerning my life? my tendency is to be lazy, I'm not a very good cook or housekeeper (neither of which I like much). Scholastically? I have a bad memory for facts and I'm a horable spellr. Personally? I'm pretty hard on myself.

Strengths?.. This is tougher than I thought it would be.

Sometimes I really wonder about my choice of profession. I look at my peers in the sport and I see how hard they work and how hard they push and I wonder... do I push that hard? I don't really think I do. I lift as heavy as I can... but do I REALLY push myself?? I teach 2 classes a week for cardio and I have to say that I push myself in those classes, but when I'm not teaching? I'm totally lazy. I've always said that I only teach to get my own cardio in! I'm really being honest when I say that! Although I really do like to teach WHEN my class responds to me. I'm a pretty fun and upbeat instructor but when my class feels like dead weight, then I feel like dead weight and I can't wait for the hour to be over. Fortunately, I have a big Turbo Kick class and spin is usually fun regardless because I choose awesome music, so if nothing else, at least I get to hear great tunes and burn some calories at the same time. So I guess you could say that one of my strengths is that I'm a good instructor but only when the circumstances are right. Hmmm...
I'm not really very disciplined..... I'm not really very motivated.... (enough to get me to the gym and thru my workout but nothing really beyond that)
When I'm on vacation, for example, I always have good intentions to workout but don't do nearly the workouts that I plan to. If I was more motivated and disciplined, then no one would be able to HOLD ME BACK from working out. This is not the case.

I have a tendency to be selfish with my time (I RARELY volunteer), I have a potty mouth when I get away from church, and when I'm around certain "potty mouth" friends. And I'm particularly potty when I'm tired, dieting, or just plain.. DONE.

I'm not very patient with people who are stupid and annoying.... Like weight droppers, head phone singers, and extra loud noise makers.

I get jealous of others who are leaner then me (that's a lot of people) but they also work harder to be that way, and I choose to NOT work that hard.

I do love my kids and my husband. But I'm far from being the perfect wife and mother.

I think I'm a very good massage therapist, but I'm still young in the profession and feel like there is so much that I don't know. Instinctually tho, I'm very good.

I care about others, but I'm no Mother Teresa (please refer to the "I'm selfish" part)

So what are my strengths?

In my eyes I'm just a jack of all trades, master of none. I'm good at lots of stuff, but not really EXCELLENT at anything. Am I really being that hard on myself? I know that the average person doesn't spend nearly the time in the gym that I do, but compared to other athletes/instructors/trainers, I'm average or below average. Compared to the average person, I eat a pretty healthy diet, but compared to my athletic peers I still have SO MANY food vices and bad habits.

I guess I haven't figured out what my strengths are yet. What are yours?

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